The Formula (2002 film)

The Formula is a fan film that premiered online in 2002. Made in Iowa by a group of friends overmonths, the movie documents a Star Wars fans attempt to make an epic fan film of his own, only to become disillusioned by the process and turn on his friends. The movie centers on the motivations of fan filmmakers, and proved popular for encouraging other wouldbe filmmakers to not give up their own projects and enjoy the process.

The film begins with the opening credits of a typical Star Wars fanfilm entitled Bond of the Force. Gregory Abe Peterka plays Jacen Solo, and Jennifer Rebecca Peterka plays the offscreen voice of Jaina Solo. Jacen is on a forest planet searching for Anakin Solo, but only encountering a Sith Lord named Darth Katai, played by Zarth Justin Whitlock. The two begin to duel, and it is an intense battle...until Greg misses his cue, incurring the wrath of writerdirector Tom Servo Harrison Chris Hanel. Tom gets into a fight with his friends, and they walk out on him. After a monologue based on High Fidelity, with Star Wars in the place of rock music, Tom reflects back a few months to the genesis of the fanfilm project.Tom, Greg, Jenny, and Zarth are seen hanging out at Excalibur Games, a hobby shop, playing the Star Wars pants game. Tom is revealed to be an employee at the store, working for store credit while he has his money saved up for film school. He claims the only downside to the job is the trekkiesspecifically, two irate, Star Warshating ones named James James Kropa and Stewart Michael Mulherin. The two enter the store, arguing over a discrepancy between the film Star Trek Generations and the Technical Manual. While waiting for Tom to get their new Star Trek cards, Stewart accidentally spills soda on a set of comics that Gregs boss ordered. Tom demands they pay for the damaged goods, and the Trekkies overpay him before leaving the store in a rush. Tom realizes that they can sell the undamaged books to Gregs boss for full price and pocket the money from the Trekkies. At Gregs suggestion, Tom combines the money with his remaining store credit and buys model lightsabers, which prompts the idea in his mind of making a Star Wars fanfilm. ........

Source: Wikipedia